[update to this table: 04-06-2016]
[last update to this table: 04-16-2016]
Each record in this table represents a single user. The core component of these entries is the user name and the value must be a unique entry in this table. The user name may be the user’s network id or an arbitrary name assigned by the administrator. The system is able to automatically check for the network user name that is logged in to the windows session and default it in the user login screen.
Field | Type | Notes |
UserName |
varchar(50) |
Enter a unique name for this user. May be the network user name or ID for that user. A person may have more than one user name, each with a different set of permissions or locations for example. |
UserPassword |
varchar(50) |
Enter a password for first-time log in. If the password is not encrypted, the user will be required to enter a new password which will then be encrypted by the system. Not used if the auto-login feature is utilized. |
FacilityID |
varchar(50) |
Default facility ID. Enter a valid facility ID. May be the same as HID. |
FullName |
varchar(80) |
Enter user’s full name using a convention assigned by the administrator. IE: John Doe |
EntryGroupCode |
varchar(50) |
A code assigned by the administrator. Enter a group code, preferably only 3-5 characters. Skip this entry if the system will only contain lab users who have access to all patients. Used to group users together so the system can assign properties to them. Primarily used to assign users to patients and only allow them to access those patients for data entry when the user does not have the seeallptordsresults permission. Used to create the unique FOID patient ID. Do not move this code from one user group to another, create a new code instead. |
InquiryGroupCode |
varchar(50) |
A code assigned by the administrator. Enter a group code. This code is the same as the entry group code except it is used for result inquiry. |
DeviceLocation |
varchar(50) |
Defines the device locations to which this user has access. Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter valid device location code - user location code pairs. Each pair is represented by Value 1 then a dash then Value 2 where Value 1 = valid device location code Value 2 = valid user location code IE: D1-ULOC1|D2-ULOC2| The device location field is critical to associate the user with a particular label printer. The user location value is critical to associate the user to a particular physical location such as a collection facility. Both values are used to help categorize properties and are assigned to each order to allow for statistical reporting. These device locations are displayed at logon for the user to select from. If there is only one device location, the system will automatically use it. (Are just device codes, without user location, also allowed? as |dvc1|dvc2| ?) |
UserLocation |
varchar(50) |
Default user location code. Enter a valid user location code, the geographical location for the user. This code is used to group packing list contents together. |
MedicareRegion |
varchar(80) |
Default Medicare region number. Enter a valid Medicare region number. Medicare region is used as an identifying value during LMRP rules processing. Used to determine which diagnosis/CPT pair applies to a test when performing LMRP calculations. Used to match the user to the appropriate information in the FO_CPTREVIEW table. |
BillToGroup |
varchar(80) |
Populates the list of Bill To options available on the order screen Bill To field. Enter a list of concatenated single characters from the allowed values. Each character represents a Bill To option. IE: IRCWOABMSFZ See table of Bill To options below this table. |
DefaultSearchType |
varchar(50) |
Default search option in toolbar Search By drop-down list for this user. Enter AUTO or an allowed search option. Allowed options: AUTO NAME SSN PHONE DOB ACCESSION REQ.ID. Lab MR# RECENT PTS Your ID LAB ACCESSION INTEGRATED -- See Integrated Search Module for more information and instructions. (is there a default value, perhaps AUTO, if this entry is skipped?) |
CreateDate |
datetime |
Date record was created. Informational |
CreateBy |
varchar(50) |
Name of user who created the record. Informational |
EditBy |
datetime |
Name of user who last edited the record. Informational |
EditDate |
datetime |
Datetime the record was last edited. Informational (does the user enter this or the system timestamp?) |
DeactivateDate |
datetime |
Datetime the record was deactivated. Informational If this field contains a date that is before the current date, the user is deactivated and cannot login to the application. If the user is deactivated, a message will be displayed. This field is used to prevent the user from logging in to the application without removal of the user's name, without removal of the user's data record. |
MiscTestCode |
varchar(50) |
Default wild card test code. Enter a valid wild card test code. MISCREF is typically used. Used when the FreeText Code button on the order screen is clicked. |
MiscICDCode |
varchar(50) |
Default prefix for ICD codes. Enter a valid prefix. #MICD is typically used. Prefixes ICD codes so they are recognized as miscellaneous or freetext entries. |
PermGroup |
varchar(20) |
Permission group code. Required field. Enter a valid permission group code. Associates this user with a list of permissions defined in the FO_PermGroups table. |
varchar(50) |
Email address for user. Informational |
ICDEntryGroup |
varchar(50) |
Populates the list of Bill To options that trigger when to prompt for diagnosis codes at the time of an order. Enter a list of concatenated single characters from the allowed values. Each character represents a Bill To option. IE: IRCWOABMSFZ Allowed values: I = Insurance C = Client R = Patient/Guarantor M = Cash S = Skilled Nursing Z = Not Specified B = Insurance not skilled A = Medicare A W = Worker’s comp O = Your office (used for client users same as client) N = No charge F = Auto Accident |
PrintBarCodes |
int |
Informational, usually blank. |
Local_Install |
int |
Bit flag to indicate if FASTsystem installation is on a local user’s computer. Enter 0 Do NOT change without Rhodesapproval. 0 = remote install 1 = local install Used when the FAST system installation is on a local user’s computer instead of a terminal server and that install can potentially communicate items downstream. Local install indicates that FAST is on a local PC with a local database and is not shared with other users. |
LoginLevel |
int |
Determines if user is allowed to automatically log in. If user may log in to more than one device location, do NOT use 2. Enter an allowed value. Allowed values: 0 = prompt user for full login credentials 1 = default credentials based on OS user name but wait for the user to pick a device location before logging in 2 = auto log in user with default device/user location The system can discover the user name that has been used to log in to the Windows session. The user name is compared to the FO_Users table and if a matching entry is found, then the system will check the value of this field to see if the user should be automatically logged in. |
Def_PtLocCode |
varchar(20) |
User-level Patient Location Default. Enter a valid LIS location code defined in the FO_PTLocations table. Used as the patient location field on the order screen if no client-level maps have been defined. |
DefaultBillTo |
varchar(1) |
Default value for Bill To when a new order is created on the order screen. Enter a valid billto code, a single character. Typical value = * Enter '*' to default to I or R. Default will be I, or Insurance, if the patient has insurances defined. Default will be R, or Patient, if no insurances are defined for the patient. See the Bill To codes table below this table. |
Def_ProvCode |
varchar(50) |
Default provider/physician code used on the Report/Requisitions Options screen when the FO_Reports.PhysCodeDefault field is set to 'USER'. Enter a valid provider code. |
LISTechCode |
varchar(50) |
Default LIS tech code. Enter a valid LIS tech code. Can be sent to LIS through interfaces. |
Def_ClientCode |
varchar(50) |
Default client code used on the Report/Requisitions Options screen when the FO_Reports.PhysCodeDefault field is set to 'USER'. Enter a valid client code. |
WorkloadCodes |
varchar(80) |
Defines the list of possible workload codes for this user. Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter valid workload codes separated by pipes. IE: |VP|VPM|VPO| |
Def_ReqName |
varchar(50) |
System report name used to print a requisition when the Req button is clicked on the order screen. Use Rhodes recommended value. Typical value: FO_ReqLabel_BC_NOLABELS |
hostOSUser |
varchar(50) |
Not Used |
hostOSpass |
varchar(50) |
Not Used |
hostIPaddress |
varchar(50) |
Not Used |
hostAppUser |
varchar(50) |
Not Used |
hostAppPass |
varchar(50) |
Not Used |
hostFunction |
varchar(50) |
Not Used |
hostPromptDelay |
int |
Not Used |
hostConnectDelay |
int |
Not Used |
hostFontName |
varchar(50) |
Not Used |
hostFontSize |
decimal(18, 2) |
Not Used |
hostCapture |
varchar(1) |
Not Used |
ProvClientSearch |
varchar(50) |
Default search type. Enter one of the allowed values: PROVIDER CLIENT LOCATION Do NOT change without Rhodes approval. |
Users_ID |
int |
ID field, a counter. Unique |
Result_Sys_User |
varchar(80) |
Default user name for a web-based result system to which the user may branch. Use Rhodes recommended value. Skip this entry to leave blank. |
Result_Sys_Password |
varchar(80) |
Default user password for a web-based result system to which the user may branch. Use Rhodes recommended value. Skip this entry to leave blank. |
FacilityIDCodes |
varchar(1000) |
Represents the facility IDs to which the system has access. Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter a single facility ID unless the system will contain multiple versions of the patient, one for each facility ID. For multiple facilities, enter valid facility IDs separated by pipes. The system will evaluate a patient’s facility ID assignment and will not allow access to that patient if its facility ID does not match a facility ID in the list. IE: |1|2|3| |
LastPasswordDate |
datetime |
Datetime when the user is prompted and required to change their password. Timestamped with the next datetime when the user changes their password. It can be also manually entered to force a password change. |
Qualifier |
varchar(50) |
Default MPI Qualifier code. Enter a valid MPI Qualifer code. Skip this entry if user is allowed access to patients cross-referenced to multiple MPI qualifier codes. |
QualifierType |
varchar(50) |
Determines how to apply a MPI qualifier during the order process to the foreign medical record number (Client Pt ID) if the user does not provide an MPI qualifier code. Enter a valid allowed value. Typical value: CLIENTMPI Allowed values: CLIENTID = system will use the client ID in the order as an MPI qualifier code. CLIENTMPI = system will use the MPI Qualifier assigned to the client ID for the order, defined in the FO_Clients table. LOCATION = system will use the location code as an MPI qualifier. Do not use if location codes have a semicolon character. PHYSCODE = system will use the provider/physician code as an MPI Qualifier. Do not use if provider codes have a semicolon character. ENTRYGROUPCODE = system will use the user's entrygroupcode as an MPI qualifier. |
UserMessage |
varchar(350) |
Used to display a message to the user on the login screen. |
update this field's Notes values per the information in the table in the Order Account Default Logic Rules information. |
varchar(50) |
Defines the rules used to assign an account number on the order screen. Enter an allowed value. Use Rhodes recommended value. UNIQUEACCT is the recommended setting if a client ID will always be used. UNIQUEACCTPROV is the recommended setting if a client ID will not always be used. Allowed values: REQID = defaults the requisition ID as the account number UNIQUEACCT = defaults a unique account number for an order based on the values of patient ID, physician, collection date, order billto and client ID UNIQUEACCTPROV = defaults a unique account number for an order based on the values of patient ID, physician, collection date and order billto MRNPHYSDATE = default the account number to be valued by the values of MRN, physician ID and collection date, ie the MRN + Ordering Phys Code + Date DATE = defaults the account number to today’s date CLIENT = if this is contained in the keyword then the system will check the FO_Clients (number) field to see if it contains an account number or the word 'ASK'. If 'ASK' is found then the system will prompt the user for an account number. CLIENTMRNPHYSDATE = same as CLIENT PROVIDER = if this is contained in the keyword then the system will check the FO_Providers (number) field to see if it contains an account number or the word 'ASK'. If 'ASK' is found then the system will prompt the user for an account number. UNIQUEACCT = system will create a unique account number for the order CVN = system will use the CV# value for the account number if it exists UNIQUEACCTPROV = system will create a unique account number for the combination of FOID, collection date and provider. UNIQUEACCTPROVBILLTO = system will create a unique account number for the combination of FOID, collection date, provider and billto UNIQUEACCTCLIENTBILLTO = system will create a unique account number for the combination of patient, client, billto and collection date UNIQUEACCTCLIENT = system will create a unique account number for the combination of patient, client and collection date UNIQUEACCTCLIENTPROVBILLTO = system will create a unique account number for the combination of patient, client, provider, billto and collection date NONE = no account number will be generated |
ScreenTimeout |
int |
Number of minutes for a screen to time out and exit. Enter an integer for the number of minutes. Recommended value: 10 |
LoginTimeout |
int |
Number of minutes for the system to time out and end the application after the last screen is timed out. Enter an integer for the number of minutes. Recommended value: 15 |
ABNcopies |
int |
Number of copies of ABN form to print. Enter an integer: 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 Defaults to 1 |
Ins_User_Assignement |
varchar(50) |
Code that determines which insurance codes to which the user has access. Enter a valid group code. This code is linked to the value of FO_INS.INS_USER_ASSIGNEMENT and allows the user access to only the insurance codes associated with the same user group code. For example, this field may be defined as 'FRONT'. The system displays only the insurance codes that have been associated with this user group code or have a no assignment code. |
MessageGroups |
varchar(500) |
Defines a list of message groupscodes to which the user belongs and for which the user may send patient messages. Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter valid message group codes separated by pipes. IE: |ALL|CPA|PSC1|BILL| |
DefaultTextDiagnosis |
varchar(255) |
Populates the test diagnosis drop-down on the order screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter valid test diagnoses separated by pipes. IE: |Not Given|Missing|Called Dr|Not Clear| |
DESearchDefault |
varchar(50) |
Default search by value on the Blind Duplicate Entry screen. Enter an allowed value. Skip this entry for no default. Allowed values: Lab Accession FO Accession Requisition ID Container ID |
LabelExpirationSeconds |
int |
Number of seconds system will wait for the LIS to return a lab accession value before qualifying a label to print. Enter an integer for the number of seconds. Enter 1 if FAST will be assigning the accession. |
BatchLocations |
varchar(500) |
Defines the list of batch locations to which the user has access. Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter valid batch location codes separated by pipes. IE: |PSC1|PSC2| |
CopyOrderFields |
varchar(50) |
Turns on/off a particular field defined in the copy order logic from qualifying to be copied. Enter 1 or 0 for on or off. Use all 1 values to turn all fields on. Enter the default (requires 18 characters): '111111111111111111' See table of copy order field options below this table. |
TestPriorityForASAP |
varchar(50) |
Priority code for ASAP priority. Enter a valid priority code. IE: ASAP |
TestPriorityForStat |
varchar(50) |
Priority code for STAT priority. Enter a valid priority code. IE: STAT |
UserLocPerfLab |
varchar(500) |
Used to drive a rule that causes a test to be auto received at time of order. A multidimensional pipe delimited field, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter pairs of user location code - performing lab code values separated by pipes. This field is used to map the user's list of possible user locations to a performing lab. The rule maps each user location code to a default performing lab code. The system then compares this value to a tests performing lab during order entry. If the values match, then the system will auto-receive that order by assigning a receipt date and time. Skip this entry if automatic receipt is not required for this user. IE: |PSC1-DEFAULT|PSC2-CORELAB1|PSC3-CORELAB2| |
BillReQueueLogic |
varchar(50) |
Used in the re-queue logic for sending demographic data to the FIN system. It populates the correct trigger data, Search By field, for the re-queue interface, the BillingRequeue table. (what is the actual table name?? ) Enter an allowed value. Allowed values: LISORDX ACCESSION LABACC |
ReqHeaderMsg |
varchar(70) |
Text message to print in the requisition header. |
ReceiptFooterMsg |
varchar(100) |
Text message to print in the requisition footer. |
Manager |
varchar(50) |
Manager assigned to this user. Enter a valid code for the manager. Written to each order the user creates to use in statistical queries. |
CollectionLocations |
varchar(255) |
Used to validate the collection location code entered on the order screen by this user. Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter valid collection location codes separated by pipes. IE: |LOC1|LOC2|LOC3| |
AssignedToClientCodes |
varchar(255) |
Defines the list of client IDs the user may use during order entry. Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter valid client IDs separated by pipes. It causes the system to bypass provider to client mapping and only display the client IDs in this list. IE: CLIENT1|CLIENT2|CLIENT3 |
ArchiveRackIDs |
varchar(255) |
Populates the drop-down list of rack IDs the user may use during order entry. Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter valid rack IDs separated by pipes. |
SO_Default_Days |
int (4) |
Number of days to show a standing order on the Requisition History screen. Enter an integer for the number of days. |
DevLocScanFilePaths |
varchar(500) |
Future Use |
ImageCategories |
varchar(500) |
Defines category and location of scanned data storage. A multidimensional pipe delimited field, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter pairs of valid category code = file path values separated by pipes. Format as: |categoryCode = FilePath| categoryCode = FilePath| IE: |REQ=C:\|INS_Card=C:\|ABN=C:\| |
ImagingSystemURL |
varchar(80) |
URL for imaging system. Enter valid URL. If present, FAST will turn on button within application to provide easy navigation for scanning. (is this the default path for where images will be stored when scanned, what button is turned on?) |
Main_Pt_Srch_List |
varchar(255) |
Populates the drop-down list of search options for this user when performing search in FAST. Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter allowed values separated by pipes. Allowed values: AUTO NAME SSN PHONE DOB ACCESSION REQ.ID. Lab MR# RECENT PTS Your ID LAB ACCESSION INTEGRATED |
AdvancedSearchDefaultChecks |
varchar(500) |
Defines fields that default to checked on the advanced search screen. Allowed values include: (where C=client identifier and L=Lab identifier) C_MRN C_ACC CACCT (is this correct with no underscore?) C_ORD C_REQID L_ACC L_MRN L_REQID L_NAME L_PTLOC L_CLIENT L_DOB L_LABACC L_PROV L_SSN L_TEL L_USERLOC |
CollectionHUBCodes |
varchar(max) |
Defines HUBs to which this user has access. User will only have access to HUBs defined here. Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter valid collection HUB codes separated by pipes. Valid collection HUB codes are defined in the FO_Hub_Definitions table. |
ClientPtAccessGroupCodes |
varchar(MAX) |
Defines client patient access group codes to which this user has access. This limits the list of patients presented to this user when searching by RECENT PTS option. Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter valid client patient access group codes separated by pipes. The user can only access patients with a matching ClientPTAccessGroupCode values. RecentPatientSearchType must be set to PTACCESSGROUP for this field to be referenced. |
RecentPatientSearchType |
varchar(50) |
Search type used when using recent patients search option. Enter an allowed value. Allowed values: USERLOCATION ENTRYGROUPCODE PTACCESSGROUP MPI See Recent Patients Search Configuration Rule for more information. |
RecentPatientSearchDays |
varchar(50) |
Used with recent patients search option to define what is recent activity. Enter an integer for the number of days from the patient's edit date. |
CommonTestListCode |
varchar(50) |
Default common test list for this user to view. Enter a code for the common test list. Based on permission, user can add and delete from test list. (where is the common test list code, are there allowed values?) |
WorkFlowMethods |
varchar(255) |
Populates the drop-down list of workflow methods available to this user on the Integrated Search Screen. Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter allowed values separated by pipes. Allowed values: PATIENT PRESENTS SPECIMEN PRESENTS INDUSTRIAL TOX This takes priority over the system-level value in FO_LabInfo. |
DefaultWorkFlowMethod |
varchar(50)s |
Default workflow method for this user. Enter a valid workflow method. This takes priority over the system-level default value and the UserLocation DefaultWorkflow value. (and where is the UserLocation DefaultWorkflow defined?) |
Bill To Options
The following table lists the Bill To options available. Use one or more of the letter codes in the FO_Users.BillToGroup field.
Letter Code |
Long Code Appearing In Drop Down |
Billing System Charge To |
I |
Insurance |
According to rules |
R |
Patient/Guarantor |
P |
C |
Client |
C |
W |
Worker’s Comp |
Customized |
O |
Your Office (same as client) |
C |
M |
Cash Payment |
N |
No Charge |
NS |
B |
Insurance Not Skilled |
According to rules |
A |
Medicare A Skilled |
According to rules |
S |
Skilled Nursing (Nursing Home) |
According to rules |
F |
Auto Accident |
Customized |
Z |
Not Specified |
NS |
* |
Patient or Insurance |
Looks at demographics to decide. |
Not in the FO_Users.BillToGroup field definition, need to add it.
Copy Order Fields
The copy order field options below, set in the FO_Users.CopyOrderFields field, are used for the Copy Order Rule.
An acceptable value for the FO_Users.CopyOrderFields field is created by a string of 1s and 0s, each 1 or 0 turning on or off an option listed below. The string should contain a number for each option below, a string of 18 characters.
Copy Order Field -- Allowed Values | |
Position |
Description |
1 |
BILL TO field |
2 |
Account Number |
3 |
Client Visit Number |
4 |
Ordering Physician Code and Name |
5 |
Client Code and Name |
6 |
Copy To 1-4 Code and Name |
7 |
Copy To Client |
8 |
Location Code and Name |
9 |
Order Test Codes |
10 |
Diagnosis Codes By Test |
11 |
Test Collection Date and Time |
12 |
Order Level Collection Date and Time |
13 |
Order Episode ID |
14 |
Order Referral Information |
15 |
Order Injury Related Data |
16 |
Order LMP related Data |
17 |
Test Level Questions and Answers |
18 |
Requisition ID at Order level |
For example, to turn on options 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17 and 18, enter the FO_Users.CopyOrderFields value as 111001000111100011.